The search engine used by Minnesota Public Radio's Web sites is powerful and far-reaching. Here are some suggestions to improve accuracy and help you find better what you're looking for. 1. Try a number of variations on your search query. 2. Capitalize proper nouns. 3. Double-check your spelling. 4. When searching for phrases, the search engine will bring up hits that have one or all words in your phrase, but not necessarily the exact phrase or meaning. 5. Some words are not searched for because they are so general and too commonly used. Avoid the following words: all, an, and, are, can, for, from, have, it, may, not, of, that, the, this, was, will, with, you, your. 5. If you want to search only a specific program's Web site, go to the program Web site and click that site's search link. Each site's search function looks slightly differently, but they all work the same way. 6. For more specific information on searching MPR Web sites, see MPR Search Help. |
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