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The Legacy of the African-American Spiritual
Singer and educator Joe Carter—MPR photo/Judy Stone Nunneley

Segment 2: Spirit of Christianity with African Sensibilities

The following questions are based on an excerpt from "Joe Carter and the Legacy of the African-American Spiritual."

AudioListen to segment 2 (04:46)

Listening Comprehension Questions

1) What were the primary religious beliefs of Africans in their homelands?

2) What were the most appealing aspects of Christianity for slaves?

3) What were the most unappealing aspects?

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Critical Thinking Questions

1) Why would slaves convert to Christianity?

2) Compare and contrast the values/beliefs of African society with those of Christianity.

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Research Challenges

Project ideas
1) Research traditional cultural practices/beliefs in traditional African society. Identify three major elements of traditional African culture (common traits within the diversity of African societies). Explain each of these traits and why they were valued in African culture. Find examples of these traits in modern American culture. Are these same traits/beliefs valued in modern American culture? Explain.

Related link:
Africans in America.

2) Research traditional African stories and storytelling.
     a. What was the function of stories in traditional African culture?
     b. Find one story that serves as a good example of the traditional African religious beliefs that are discussed in the radio program. Share with the class why this story serves as a good example of the tradition.

3) Research Gullah Culture (see also National Geographic on Gullah Culture).
What is Gullah Culture? Specifically, how is it similar to traditional African beliefs/culture? Why has Gullah culture developed as a separate entity? Why is Gullah culture a unique tradition within the larger American tradition today?

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Key Terms and Topics

• Cultural preservation and assimilation: the blending of cultures in the formation of America.
• African cultural traditions in the African-American cultural identity
• Fusion of African Traditional Beliefs with Christian Belief System

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Click on these links to find further instructional ideas and study guides for the material in "Joe Carter and the Legacy of the African-American Spiritual."
DocumentSegment 1: Introduction and the Purpose of Spirituals
DocumentSegment 3: Spirituals as Resistance
DocumentSegment 4: Universal Appeal of Spirituals
DocumentSelf-directed learning project for other Speaking of Faith shows
Student exercises
ExerciseListening Comprehension
ExerciseCritical Thinking
ExerciseResearch Challenges
ExerciseKey Terms and Topics

Featured Resources
The student exercises provided this month are based on the following material available on MPR's Web site.

DocumentJoe Carter and the Legacy of the African-American Spiritual

AudioSegment 1: Introduction and the Purpose of Spirituals

AudioSegment 2: Spirit of Christianity with African Sensibilities

AudioSegment 3: Spirituals as Resistance

AudioSegment 4: Universal Appeal of Spirituals

DocumentDownload this four-part feature to print
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DocumentDownload the self-directed learning project to print
(Requires free Adobe Reader)
DocumentWhat are monthly features?

Monthly Feature Archive
DocumentWord for Word (Dec. 2006)
DocumentReligious Passion, Pluralism, and the Young (Jan. 2006)
DocumentRSS Feeds, Blogs, and Podcasts (Sept. 2006)
DocumentMore >>

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